
Graphic Design: Typography, Composition, Color Theory, Branding+ Identity, Print + Digital design, Motion graphics, Video production, Social media, and
Design thinking.
Product Design: UX strategy, User flows, Concept sketches, Journey maps, Wireframes, Prototypes, Mockups, Motion design, Design systems, and Branding.
Research: User interviews, Usability testing, Persona hypothesis, Competitive analysis, and A/B testing.
Software: Figma, Sketch, JIRA, Confluence, Mural, Asana, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, Premiere Pro, and Canva.


Hi, I’m Miguel! 

I’m a Visual Designer based in California. 

Upon pursuing my creative passions, I’ve always been driven to empower the voices of our communities through dynamic visual media and meaningful experiences.

I approach each project with empathy and a genuine desire to make a positive impact. My background as an immigrant, gay, and person of color has fueled my commitment to supporting nonprofits in their efforts to serve their targeted communities to create a more equitable and just society. I thrive on the opportunity to use my design skills to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and advocate for social change.